Dienstag, 5. Dezember 2017

who i am

as a child i wished to be called lydia
that sounds so lyrical
and lyrical sounds like
spherical singing
clinking icefields
crystal creeks of tears
and a sky made of steel

as a child i wished to be an angel

pick flowers in the garden of eden
have a coffee with adam
possibly also with eva
do errands for the almighty
do not feel any pain
and do good
to the poor humankind

at least i wished for an angel
to rescue me

this did not happen

they forgot me
down here

but i won’t give up

my heart is a shrine

everything fits in there
and nothing ever falls out

thora engel

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ein paar versprengte hunde auf der fahrbahn tröstlich leuchtet eine tankstelle im nieselregen und vom wald her mit zunehmender dämmerun...